
Destruction of White Room

"Some are born to night, some are born to endless delight."

That's what he said.

Orexis, the brother that i shared my body,my soul,my mind.

He always protected me from harm. He shielded me, guarded me with his life.

Together we created the white room, we built statues of past, together,we lived a life, full of hardships.

He urged me to trust no one, he urged me to not to love, he always said "Feed your hatred, burn your feelings, that way, you can survive"

So i did it. Couple of years later, i was nothing but a shell, that lived, ate, worked.

Yesterday, the worst happened.

"What you fear, comes to consume you, sooner or later" he said.

When i felt the trees are burning, i ran to the white room.

There he was, mighty demon of anorexia. Only this time, he wasn't grinning.

We went for a one last tour at the white room, we saw the remains of the lake, we saw the burning trees.

"All destroyed" he said. "White Room is no more, lake has dried and...i don't trust you anymore"

Grinning demon cried bloody tears and my residue was gone.

"You are on your own now, god help you."

He said lots of things...

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