
On Magick, Theory and Practice

Magick is not might, it's not something to be dabbled with. It's certainly not for lesser minds. It's said that, the first bringer of this dark, unnatural force was the first Demon, Adam's First Wife, Lilith.

When Lilith was cast into the abyss, she was offered the powers of Lightbringer, The Lucifer. By the Lucifer himself.

She dabbled in the black art, thus the daemon magick was born.

Our world was once infused with these unnatural energies, certain places still exists. For the modern Sorcerer's they are known as "Reality wounds"

They can be harnessed, even used, a true Sorcerer can shape it, change it and even infuse it with certain aspects of alchemy.

There are indeed certain types of those energies. One is human energy, using it is one of the most difficult practices of the earth. Few people can use it, mostly they are born as natural prodigies of their own bodies. For a modern day human, it's nearly impossible to harness it, cause there are radiation and magnetic waves everywhere, making it impossible to manifest the human bio-energy. Some can still use it for certain degrees, those individuals are mostly called as psychics or telekinetics.

One is nature energy, it's the main discipline of ancient monks and eastern warriors known as ninjas. Extremely difficult and requires nearly impossible degrees of discipline and concentration. This discipline is now nearly extinct. Thus the modern day.

Of course there is the Divine Magick. Chosen of the Yehweh and Heaven can harness and manifest the sufficient faith for certain degrees. Certain events are witnessed since the ancient times.

Then there are the easy ways.

My choice lies in the easy way, easy power comes with great degrees of corruption.

Daemon Magick and Arcane Magick. These are the most potent and powerful forms of Magickal Energy. Arcane Magick is the Magick of the old ones. Lilith's Black Reform changed the spellcrafting ways deeply. It can be learn by modern day sorcery books, there are various types, curses, hexes, elemental shaping, contracts, soul bindings, exorcisms and etcetera.

User can download a simple book and simply begin his/her first experience with magick.

But as a result, nothing happens.

There is a pretty simple explanation for that.

Arcane Magick uses one of the most potent power in the universe. Your soul.

Every time you cast it, one fragment of your soul is sold to the daemons in exchange for power. If you don't fully wish it, if you don't desire it so bad, if you are not willing to lose your soul, you cannot use it, user must erase his/her doubts in order to use it.

That's why experienced sorcerers use contracts with various demons of various domains to retain their soul fragments. This is called "Solomon Binding"

Daemon's of hell are eager to cross over to this world, in exchange for mortal vessels. If you are willing to share your body with a daemon, you can use it's soul as a conduit for Arcane magick, of course this matter requires great delicacy and understanding of Hellish ways of Deamons. They can try to take your body, imprison your soul in your mind, and many many worse things.

Every Demonic contract comes with certain curses. Anorexia, Psychological Disorders, Homicidal Tendencies, Biological Diseases and so on. If you wish to harbor a Daemon partner in your body, you must endure this curse or learn to endure this curse.

If your partner has a anorexia curse, eat much more than you normally would. If your partner is causing negative emotions, try to stay happy or take depression medication. Different demons have different schools, thus different curses.

Magick is not something to be toyed with, it's a passion, an agony and a curse.

But once you cast your first spell, there is no going back.

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