
Mala Praxis

"2- There are three kinds of mal practice. 1. Willful mal practice, which takes place when the physician purposely administers medicines or performs an operation which he knows and expects will result in danger or death to the individual under his care; as, in the case of criminal abortion. "

Mala praxis, the term, coined by thousands of meanings. Which has to be added later. To be precise, no words can simply express the inhumane situation that humankind pits each other.

Words after words, words that signify the motionless emotions, the void of pitch black, in our heart of hearts, we know that our heart was the battlefield itself.

Problem persists though, no human is ever willing and free to confide in each other, there are just rumors and difficulties in understanding, that lies beneath our dark desires itself.

Human relations are basically malfunctioning. They are beyond repair, beyond connecting, beyond the sea and beyond our souls.

That way we sever, we sever the ever malfunctioning cords of our local relations, we sever because we have to live, we have to survive, we have to nurture the memories but never repeat the mistakes.

Our world, with its rules of causality, has trained us to be miserly with forgiveness. By forgiving them too readily, we can be badly hurt. But if we've learned from a mistake and became better for it, shouldn't we be rewarded for the learning, rather than punished for the mistake?"
What if our world worked differently? Suppose we could tell her: 'I didn't mean what I just said,' and she would say: 'It's okay, I understand,' and she would not turn away, and life would really proceed as though we had never said that thing? We could remove the damage but still be wiser for the experience.
Don't we?

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